I have been asked numerous times “what can I do to lower my tax bill”. There are various ways to do this, but it ultimately comes down to educating yourself…
Get Your Small Business Ready for Tax Time
By Olivia Maragna
As we near the end of another financial year, now is the time to start looking at your tax return.
If your heart missed a beat when you read…
Countdown to Tax Time
By: Christine Long
If your tax planning usually consists of joining a queue to buy stationery shortly before midnight on June 30, it might be time to think ahead.
Some deductions…
How to Boost Your Tax Refund This Financial Year
By Noel Whittaker
June 30 is rapidly approaching, which means there are things you should do in the near future to improve your financial situation.
Smart tax planning means…
Home to Work Travel Claims? Generally Not, but Sometimes…
By Steve Burnham
As a general rule, travel from your home to your workplace is not allowed as a deduction because it constitutes a “private expense”. There are however specific situations where this…
How to Double Your Tax Refund
By Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Will the prospect of a $2564 refund motivate you to finally do your tax return, if you haven’t already?
That’s the average paid back for the latest full…
ATO May Delay Your Client’s BAS for Verification and Checking
Statistics supplied by the ATO indicate that most GST refund claims (98% of them according to its data) are processed without any problem, but the ATO also says that…
Five Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund
By: Jackson Stiles
Score! The tax man has given thousands of Australians a windfall in the form of a refund on their tax bill. But experts have urged us to spend…